Who is the GRIDKID

and what’s with all this GREEN?

“Life isn’t one straight line. Most of us have to be
transplanted, like a tree, before we blossom.”
— Louise Nevelson
Grid artwork

GRIDKID is a nickname given to me many years ago when one of my aunts made a teasing comment about me and my artwork. The nickname fit and stuck.

Over the years, my artwork has changed, but the grid is still an important element in my world.


The GridKid’s real name is MARCIA GILBERT and I live in Woodside, NY. Born in Cleveland, OH I graduated with a BFA and a double major in metalsmithing and painting from Washington University in St. Louis, MO. While that makes me a born-and-bred Midwesterner, I’ve lived in NYC longer than anywhere else — since the early 80’s.

Over the years, I always managed to keep up artwork while working full-time for a couple of jewelers, doing craft fairs selling my own jewelry, and making jewelry for Louise Nevelson. A switch to typing manuscripts for authors, graduate students, and publishers led to work for two lawyers, an investor relations company, two environmental consulting firms, and various publishers in their cover arts departments. And then there are the side escapades: a Pollock Krasner grant; manuscript typing for James Patterson; co-producing/designing a chapbook, “Stories From The Ruins,” about 9/11; designing the logo for a publishing summit sponsored by HBGUSA; a voiceover for a beverage company; and most recently, self-publishing a book, “Women of Cubbyhole A to Z.” (More about the latter in later pages of this web site.)

Now semi-retired from the 9-to-5 rat race, I plan to focus full-time on my fine art and graphics projects.

For access to more details about GridKid’s endeavors, use the above navigation bar.

Green pattern of squares

GREEN  has been my favorite color for as long as I can remember. Accidentally, it became an even greater obsession when I covered my office walls with all things green (keychains, miniature toys, tools, etc.).

Coinciding with my first thoughts about creating a web site, I expanded my collecting via the internet, researching more  color theory information, song titles, images, etc.

Q: What does it mean if my favorite color is green?

A: “You are likely straightforward but loving. Others’ opinions of you matter, as does the search for knowledge and understanding. You tend to value peace, loyalty, and logic.”


© 2023 Marcia Gilbert

All Rights Reserved